How To Look Like A Boxer? Your Guide To A Fighter Physique

One thing everyone can admit is that fighters have impressive physiques. Every Time they step on the scale you can see just about every muscle on their body. While they’re not bodybuilder big, fighters sport a different kind of physique that is aesthetically pleasing but built for functional movement.

What most people are surprised to find out is that a majority of fighters don’t lift weights, and when they do use weights for resistance, it’s never in the traditional fashion.

In this article, let’s discuss what kind of training you can do to look like a fighter, and other than the aesthetic benefits that you will receive as a result.

The Workout

Most fighters train 6 to 8 hours a day to achieve their physiques, however, the good news for you is that it doesn’t take all of that to only achieve the aesthetics. You do have to train like a fighter, but not necessarily as long.

Fighters have a limited time to train, and within that training, they have to hone their skills, and build strength, build stamina, as well as muscular endurance. Because of that, each exercise has an opportunity cost attached to it, and so, boxers must be careful that most of their workouts hit most if not all of the attributes they are trying to improve. The same goes for strength training. So the workout we’re about to dive into involves a strength training regimen that revolves around calisthenics that is endurance-focused.

Boxer standing near boxing ring

Strength Training – Calisthenics Circuit

This workout is going to be a boxing-inspired strength training workout. For strength training boxers, even massive guys like Mike Tyson, tend to stick to calisthenics for most of their strength work. So here is a fighter-inspired calisthenic circuit you can do for 5 to 6 days a week.

  • 20 Pushups
  • 20 Dips
  • 10 Pullups
  • 20 Squats
  • 20 Leg Raises
  • 1 Minutes Rest

Repeat 5 to 10 times

Also read: Ways To Lose Fat With Boxing

If you don’t find that challenging enough, you can do an EMOM circuit like this:

  • 5 sets of pushups
  • 5 sets of dips
  • 5 sets of pullups
  • 5 sets of squats
  • 5 sets of leg raise

If you want it more or less challenging adjust the rep numbers and the set numbers. For the EMOM circuit, you’re going to want to try and hit each set close to failure.


On top of high pace and high rep strength training, boxers also focus a ton of their training on cardio, and if you’re going to be built like a fighter, you’re going to have to do fighter cardio.

Jump rope

Jump roping is much more efficient than something like running, in fact, jump roping burns way more calories per minute than running does, and it’s also less taxing on your joints.

Depending on your level of shape, change up the intervals here.

  • 3 rounds
  • 3 Minutes Each Round
  • 1 Minute Rest

For an extra challenge, do 10 pushups every time you mess up.

Weighted Shadow Boxing

Next, we’re going to do a 5-minute shadow boxing workout that will require light dumbbells.

What you’re going to do is set your stopwatch to 5 minutes and you’re going to throw punches at the air for 30 seconds with the weights, then 30 seconds without the weights. You’re going to do this all in one go without stopping.

This workout will get your heart rate up, burn calories, and work your arms and shoulders, as well as your core.

Here is an example:

Benefits of This Training

This entire workout should take you about 1 hour and it’s a workout you can do just about every day. Take 1-2 days off a week and try to do this workout for 30 days and see how you look and feel.

While you will notice you will be much leaner and defined, another thing you will find is that your fitness level will see a very well-rounded improvement.

Not only will you increase your muscle size, but you will also decrease fat, and increase physical and muscular endurance as well can help you in different situations in life.

Don’t Forget the Diet

As hard as fighters train, they also make sure their diet is on point in order to achieve that lean physique. The diet is going to be pretty simple but strict.

Here are some rules you will follow:

  1. No sugar, alcohol, or junk food
  2. Eat lean proteins, vegetables, and fruits
  3. Drink lots of water
  4. Get adequate protein intake
  5. Eat at least 3 times a day

An example of some meals can include:

  1. Oatmeal for breakfast, loaded with fruits
  2. Lean protein with good carbs (avoid bread)
  3. Lean protein with vegetables
  4. Fruits for snacks in between,

1,500-2,000 calories depending on your size.

It Works if You Work

Try this out for 30 days and see the kind of results you will get. If you stay disciplined about putting in the work overtime you will achieve the fighter’s physique you’re looking for, and you will also be in an overall better physical fitness. You won’t achieve it in 30 days, but you will see enough results to motivate you to keep going. Give it a shot!


How To Get A Body Like Boxers?

Boxers do extreme exercises and their fitness workouts are very high intensity. For their training, they do fitness workouts like rope jump, bag kicking, and bag boxing. These are just some of the workouts and their exercises include much more than this.

Tips For New Boxers

If you are just getting into boxing remember that this is going to be intense. You will de do workouts that will make your heart pump like crazy. These workouts will make sure that you are ready for your very first boxing match. If you are new to boxing I would recommend you to buy a boxing bag and a jump rope. When you will start to exercise using these you will gradually build up stamina.

Your body will get a feeling of freshness as your heart will be pumping more blood, and your VO₂ Max will increase. Remember to take a rest while doing exercise as taking rest is very crucial during workouts. For new boxers, the high of starting will be high so they will need to take care of their body. You can also do a high-intensity workout. You can start out by using the punching bag and then skipping rope.

What you will do is start by punching the bag and then immediately start with the rope. Get that heart pumping so that your body feels something new. A new boxer should start their exercise routine under guidance. A good boxer knows what exercises to perform and that exercises they shouldn’t perform.

What Exercises Does A Boxer Do?

A boxer generally does all the exercises that a normal person will do, but a boxer does some additional workouts as well.

Gifts For A Boxer

customized gifts for boxing lovers

Boxing is a comprehensive competition of strength, stamina, and agility. Every match affects the hearts of boxing fans. If you want to show your love for boxing, then you need to check out custom boxing gifts. Such as custom coins, available to your size and color specifications, it is fully customizable with various boxing elements such as the boxer’s name, record, or any other custom message. Great for boxers, clubbers, boxing fans, and friends with a common interest that they can order now.

Tips To Maintain Weight For Your Body In Order To Fight

In order to have a boxer body, you need to maintain your weight. Boxers get to fight so much because their muscle weight is high. The more muscle you have the more you will be able to fight your opponent. So it’s necessary to maintain muscle mass when boxers go for a fight.

There are plenty of things that go into maintaining your weight. And your diet is a big piece of the puzzle. Following the diet we’ve set out won’t be easy because it is strict. But it’s a significant part of getting a fighter’s body that you can’t overlook. Along with following this diet, sticking to the boxer workout alone will help you maintain weight. But what if you’re starting this process when you’re not slim?

Plenty of people struggle to lose weight. That’s because our weight is dictated by lots of different variables. It could be our genetics, health, economic position, and many more. The boxer workout and diet can be followed no matter what size you’re starting at. But if you want a headstart, you can chat to a professional like Dr Govind Krishna about weight loss surgery. There’s no shame in getting help. It’s your journey, so you get to decide what it looks like.

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